Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting Started On Budget Redecorating

Just because money is tight, there is no reason to not keep up your household. One doesn't need a lot of money to upgrade and redecorate one's household. The first thing you should remember when decorating is that there are no rules except those that you set for yourself. However, having a plan is always a good idea and will help you to keep on budget.

Below are a provided a number of tips that will help you get started.

1. Trust yourself

Remember, you will know more about what looks good for your home than you think.

2. Focal Points

Select the most important element in a room, say a fireplace, and make this the focal point. Then place furnishings and objects around it to draw a person’s eye towards it. You could, if you want, direct the person’s eye towards, say, a window, which then directs them to look outside into the garden.

3. Themes

Provide each room with a theme. You may just decide on a color, or it may be a particular style, say French Country or Italian Tuscany, for say the kitchen. Doing this will give you a starting point, and will help to guide you through the decorating stages.

4. Planning

When planning your design, work from the largest area of the room to the smallest. For instance, start with walls, windows, floors, furnishings and then finish with accessories. It is important to remember the larger the decorating surface, the more impact it will have on the finished design.

But the most important thing of all when decorating on a budget is to have fun!

Shop smart and you will find it easy to keep within your budget and you can have the look you want if you really want it and work for it.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.


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