Friday, October 23, 2009

Gambling What is The Social Cost?

Luck, this is not just a word but a belief for most people. These people come from different walks of life and in this world of material struggle, who would not be lured by the glitter of money? Indeed, people are now ready to grab whatever chance that is being served to them. This pushes them to gamble.

Gambling is popular all over the world. It comes in various ways and means. To mention one of the most popular forms, it is lottery. For some people, this is the remedy but the hidden fact is that it is a big blow to the society especially to those who are poor and disadvantaged.

According to recent studies, majority of those who try their luck and gamble are people from the poverty line. Of course, the reason is too obvious. With the current social problems that deprive them from having the means to improve their way of living, they resort to what is the easiest for them.

This action leads to worse outcomes. Poor as they are, they are bound to have more debts and the more they yearn to try their luck, the more these debts would kill their lives gradually.

Another thing is that gambling becomes a vice. How does it happen? As shown by statistics in the United States, when these poor and less educated people win even just a mere amount of prizes, they would crave for more and eventually gamble more.

When this happens, all the other social issues like the role of these gamblers in their families would definitely be bruised. When the family is affected, the whole society follows.

There are numerous books and writings such that of Boydon Cole and Sidney Margolius, “When You Gamble--You Risk More Than Your Money” it is stated here how a family is being torn by gambling as an addiction. Gambling once it becomes an addiction would never lead you to goodness. It could be as worst as breaking your family, committing a crime or ending up bankrupt.

As gambling diminishes your social worth as a person, as a citizen, the whole society is greatly affected.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques for living the champagne life on a beer budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.



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"The Inquisitive Explorer's Guide To Free Government Money Programs", That's who.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OFFLINE GAMBLING- The real Scam Of The Century

Ah the lure of easy money, the thrill of the game, the adrenaline rush of the hunt. Yes all these are the thrills of gambling, legally or illegally whether offline or online. The consequences of out of control illegal gambling are well known and drastic, but what of the consequences when legal gambling gets out of control?

Gambling is very popular, from way back when, and more so today. It is a scam itself. In fact the oldest form known. Not only a scam, but very deceptive. Statistics show that about six percent of adults that are involved in gambling are severely addicted to such a "past time" as they call it. People who are hooked on gambling have the urge to bet on almost anything. From horses, cards, and the casino. The number doesn't end there. It continues to expand.

Casino scams are everywhere. High payouts and promising winnings are put up in huge slogans thereby attracting people who want to earn money the fast, easy and enjoyable way. A fact is gamblers waste a lot of their time, in the hope of winning. So they don't give up easily.

Studies show that gambling problems can easily occur in individuals with no self control. It is necessary for one to identify if he has problems, so it can be identified and acted upon promptly.

Here are some questions one should ask to detect if there is a problem:

* After gambling, when you lose money, be it a small or a large amount, do regret it, or feel resentment?

* When you win, do you have a strong desire to win more, therefore you want to go back?

* When you lose, do you feel a need to go back very soon?

* Do you spend a lot of time gambling, usually longer than what you planned?

*If you have problems, do you gamble to forget them?

* Are you spending more time gambling than with work?

*Do you not stop until your very last dollar is taken up?

*Do arguments take place between you and your family as a result of your need to gamble?

*To finance your gambling, do you borrow money from friends or associates?

Gambling addiction can be destructive. Family, friends and your reputation are at risk. It is a condition often times ignored. There are escape gamblers that affect seventy five percent of women from their thirties and up. Usually the reasons for gambling is to escape from the emotional pain that they are in, being bored, lonely, depressed or that they make gambling their hobby or past time. These types of addiction can be cured in three to six months.

The action gambler is much more difficult to deal. Most are men, where gambling for them creates ecstasy like a drug addition. This is much harder to cure, since the individual will deny the fact, when confronted. They will typically not stop until left with nothing, financially.

As gambling creates a lot of scams, it is a fact that still more and more are drawn to it. The primary reason is to win a huge amount of money. But then comes in the most lethal of reasons -- that of feeling a certain euphoria. Scams or no scams, an individual still continues to gamble and is a reason why offline gambling still thrives today.

One needs to be honest with oneself and stop this terrible disease from ruining your life and that of your family and friends before it is too late.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in living the champagne life on a beer budget.

remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.


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Yes the government gives away billions of dollars each year to assist people like you and me for just about anything. Starting a business? Yes there is money for you. Need help with your house or health?

Yes money is available. Who is on your side? Who can guide you?

"The Inquisitive Explorer's Guide To Free Government Money Programs", That's who.

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