In down time we all have to look for ways to stretch our money and make ends meet. One of the biggest expenses people have is fixing their cars. Here are things to do to save money, time and energy so that your car lasts longer and runs at peak efficiency. Oh yea these things also have a big impact on your fuel mileage as well.
Every 2 weeks or 3,000 miles:
1. Check engine oil, transmission fluid and coolant.
Once a month or 1,000 miles:
2. Check tire pressure - with tire gauge.
3. Check transmission fluid.
4. Check brake fluid.
5. Wax car (to protect finish).
6. Check belts and hoses.
Every 3 months or 3,000 miles:
7. Change oil and oil filter (every 6 months or 3,000 miles).
8. Lubricate chassis.
9. Check transmission fluid.
10. Check all drive belts (fan belts) frayed or cracked belts.
Every 6 months or 6,000 miles:
11. Change oil and filter (every 6 months or 3,000 miles).
12. Inspect suspension.
13. Rotate tires.
Every 12 months or 12,000 miles:
14. Flush radiator, replace anti-freeze, check air conditioning
15. Replace air filters.
16. Lubricate chassis.
Every 2 years or 24,000 miles.
17. Replace spark plugs (30,000 miles average suggested for
unleaded gas) and PC valve.
18. Change automatic transmission fluid, filter and pan gasket.
19. Inspect brake linings.
Every 3 years or 30,000 miles:
20. Check and test ignition wires (replace if needed).
21. Test cooling system and heating hoses (replace if needed).
22. Check drive belts (replace if needed).
23. Replace fluid in differential and manual transmission.
Every 50,000 miles.
24. Check brake shoes (replace if needed)
25. If you have a major repair to do, it's wise to get at least 3 estimates, if possible, before you decide.
26. Read and follow your car owner's manual - it's your car's bible for making your car last longer.
27. Whether you are a man, woman, boy or girl, learn to do some routine maintenance on your car yourself. A multitude of books, videos, magazines and classes are available at your local
library that will teach you for free if you don't know. Learn how to check your own oil, transmission fluid, tire pressure and coolant, etc.
28. If you find a good mechanic who you can trust, stick with him even if his prices are a bit higher - all things being equal. You'll always save time, money and aggravation in the long run.
29. Don't race or gun your engine when you start it up. Accelerate slowly and smoothly when your engine is cold.
30. Avoid burning rubber - it places excessive wear on the transmission, rear end, not to mention your tires.
31. An international tire company estimated that 33% of all tires on the road are under-inflated (low air). Under-inflated tires wear out quicker and have a tendency to blow out easier.
32. A garaged car lasts longer. A car port is next best, and a car cover is a distant third.
33. Avoid jackrabbit starts and stops. Stop and accelerate gradually.
34. Avoid tailgating, tire squealing turns, flying over speed bumps, pot holes and revving your engine.
35. When possible, avoid driving your car during rush hour stop and go traffic periods.
36. Keep front-end aligned, for longer tire life and better gas mileage.
37. Make sure you get promised repairs in writing including how much it will cost.
38. Avoid car dealers except to have highly specialized repairs done that can't be done properly anywhere else.
39. It's hard to be overcharged when you get three estimates before you have the work done.
40. Beware: Cheapest is not always the best. Normally, the best mechanics with the best equipment and training cost more.
41. Often mechanics that charge extremely low prices have inferior
or out-dated equipment, little to no formal training or are under-insured.
42. Complex electrical problems are so involved that serious electrical work should be done in an "Auto Electric" shop. They have the equipment, tool and training to do the job more efficiently than the average mechanic.
43. If your car has "Cruise Control" use it. Using cruise control will save you 5% to 10% of a gallon of gas on long trips.
44. Avoid constantly pressing and releasing the accelerator when driving. This practice not only wastes fuel, but it puts excessive wear on the drive train of your car.
45. Don't ride your brake pedal, this wears out your brake linings pre-maturely, and wastes fuel.
46. Driving with your windows all the way down at higher speeds, will waste 10% more gallons of gasoline than driving with them closed.
47. Research by a major car manufacturer has revealed that neglect of proper routine maintenance is the number one reason for the enormous increase in car repairs being required.
48. Tires purchased at department stores such as Sears, Wal-Mart, K-Mart etc., can be an excellent value because many are made by leading tire manufacturers. For a list of what manufacturer makes which tires for what department store, write to: Tire Information Center, P.O. Box 677, Syosset, NY 11791
49. When purchasing or changing tires, make sure you have them spin balanced.
50. Avoid cleaning your windshield with a dry rag or towel. Always dampen with water or some other cleaning liquid. Dry towels grind and scratch your windshield hindering your visibility.
51. Avoid turning on the car air-conditioning while running at highway speeds as this tends to put an immediate heavy load on your compressor and clutch. This could cause excessive wear and tear on these components. Instead turn your air conditioner on at car speeds below 25 to 30 m.p.h. This helps to preserve your expensive compressor.
52. Try to avoid running your car with the tank low on gas. Keeping a low tank of gas increases the chance of dirt, water/moisture and rust forming in your fuel system. Keeping a full tank decreases the chance of dirt and other foreign matter forming in your fuel system.
53. Tires driven at 70 m.p.h. wear out almost twice as fast as cars that go 50 m.p.h.
54. A government study has confirmed, the top three causes of car breakdowns while on the road are: (a) running out of gas (b) tire troubles (c) cooling system problems (overheating)
55. The best as well as the easiest ways to find a good car repair shop is by recommendation or referrals from satisfied customers.
56. To work on a late model computer-controlled engines, make sure the shop you choose has the equipment to handle computer-electric service/repair. Sophisticated diagnostic equipment is a must.
57. To choose the right repair shop for you, it's wise to have a small or minor maintenance or repair job done first to see how the repair shop and mechanic treat you and your car.
58. Give detailed description of your car's problem when you take it in for repairs. The more you can describe what your car is doing or not doing (thumping, squealing, clacking sound, etc.) the faster and less it will cost for your mechanic to fix it.
59. When in doubt about the cost of a repair or a mechanic's honesty get a second opinion. This is one of the best ways to protect yourself from being ripped-off until you can find a permanent repair shop.
60. Regular oil changes are the most important thing you can do to protect your engine and make it last longer.
61. If you have a manual transmission, down shift to slow your car down instead of using your brakes. This will save wear and tear on your braking system.
62. Each time you have your engine oil checked, have your transmission fluid checked also.
63. Protect your car's interior and make it last longer - park your car in the shade or place a windshield guard or cover in the windshield.
64. If you spill something inside your car, clean it up immediately before it dries. Delaying even 30 minutes can sometimes leave a permanent stain or spot. NOTE: To better protect your car seats have them treated with scotchguard.
NOTE: According to current auto insurance statistics, the average U.S. car's useful life is 10 years or 100,000 miles. By following proper preventative maintenance you can often double your car's useful life, and spend less time visiting your local mechanic.
Here you go, save money and enjoy your life better by spending less time with a broken down auto.
Need to learn how to get and stay out of debt and live debt free?
Tips and techniques outlined in our ebook “Debt Free Living”.
For more information:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Why Discovery Channel Why?
I can't believe what I have watched the last couple of Sundays on the Discovery Channel.
Now I love science and have read Botany at university and I keep on reading and studying the world around us everyday. I have always had an inquisitive mind and loved PBS and other science related channels and programs while growing up. I always loved stopping along hiking trails and searching the natural debris just to see what it was made of. I had my own little microscope and hated the so called "standard experiments" that came with the instrument, but instead wanted to look at other stuff I found and get of the "beaten path" of known knowledge. I also did this with funny and semi-dangerous results with a "toy" chemistry set. My parents never appreciated this growing up as my dad, being an engineer for Ford Motor Company, was into putting everything into its own box and one must follow the written instructions. Experimentation was never his strong suit.
Seeing that I am wondering why the Discovery Channel insists on the idiotic documentaries that are so pseudo-scientific that they were laughable. First of all were the documentaries that could only be summed up as "CSI:Ancient Egypt". In it they were retelling the discoveries of King Tut and the Queen. They were trying to make it seem like they were going to absolutely and definitively say who killed both.
Well first of all the so called "crime scenes" were a bit tainted after say 5000-6000 years. But that didn't stop the "detectives" from carrying out their "investigations". Of course none of the "detectives" had a clue where or how either of the principles actually died, or if they even had the right bodies. But they were going to tell us what happened back then when they don't even have a clue who they were looking at? Oh c'mon don't insult our intelligence.
Another one was the "Iceman" found in the Alps. There were all these people arguing over how the Iceman died and why. Again they were putting in modern day values on the old society and ignored any facts that didn't fit in with their own biases and prejudices. How can any of them say what exactly was important in those days of "pre-history" when things weren't written down. Who is to say what different tools and implements made someone important? For example they said that having an axe made one important. How many of our leaders and politicians do you see carrying an axe? Or for that matter in the military the higher your rank, the less you carry. Why wasn't that true back then as well? Why wouldn't the low man on the totem be responsible for gathering wood and stuff like that where one needs an axe? Or is it the ego of the scientists trying to make their discovery, important as it is, the equivalent of finding a king's tomb. It is similar to the people who go to mediums and want to find out that they were once some famous person. You ever notice no one was ever told they were just a peon working in the fields or factories of old? So of course the "Iceman" had to be a chieftain to make it seem more important than it was.
The last group was last night's (4/13) on what the world would look like if humans were to disappear. Let's face it people, we already know what would happen. Look at the ruins in the jungles of Belize, or Angkor Wat in the jungle of Cambodia. It seemed more like someone wanted to show off computer graphics than actually show us science or offer new knowledge. Yes it is cool to watch buildings and famous structures crumble, but then again all we have to do is go to old western "ghost towns" to see that. So besides to put forth the "neo-flat earthers" political pseudo-science there was no point of the documentary. There was no real point or reason for it to be made, again, except for the ego of the producers. It was even poorly written and narrated by someone who sounded less than enthusiastic about the text, as if saying "Okay I did it, where's the check?"
"Neo-Flat Earthers" you say? What are those?
Well I am glad you asked. These are the pseudo-scientists that are running around like Chicken Little screaming that the "sky is falling" about the global warming problem. They only seem to want to blame industry and business. They of course are driving around in their big SUVs, having big parties that waste tons of electricity, live in huge buildings and suburbs that cause them to waste a lot of energy. Yet they are screaming at the poor and middle class to stop using energy and give them money so they can run around wasting more energy and not do any real work.
They ignore real science like the fact that climate change has happened many times in the past and yes it was drastic and changed the planet. They also leave out a most important piece of the puzzle in that the earth and our solar system's place in the universe is not static (This is why I call them "Neo-Flat Earthers). In fact the Earth is always evolving and moving. The poles are always moving. In fact there is proof that the poles were once offset by 90 degrees, and are moving that way. Also our Solar System is one in a huge Galaxy. We are forever orbiting the center of the Galaxy as our planet orbit the sun. The Galaxy is orbiting an axis point in the universe. What this does is change gravitational pull and that effects what happens here on Earth as well. Of course we really don't feel it as we are part of the system and it happens in such a non-dramatic way that it is easy to think that it is not happening (like the Earth spinning on its axis).
The ancient astronomers of China, Arabia and the Mayans knew this and plotted these out but are ignored by the NFE's of the west. What significance do you think that the year 2012 has on the Mayan Calendar? Some say it doesn't go further than December 21, 2012. Also there was a supposed lost book of Nostradamus that agrees with this prediction. Well if you match the two texts and add the Chinese discoveries you find that it appears that is when we will be in alignment with the center of our Galaxy. So basically it means one full orbit for us and our system. So naturally the gravitational pull of the Galaxy would change how our and other planets react.
Now I am all for informative, intelligent, and entertaining documentaries, but please quit insulting our intelligence with the oversimplified, exaggerated and outright lying of these latest offerings.
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Now I love science and have read Botany at university and I keep on reading and studying the world around us everyday. I have always had an inquisitive mind and loved PBS and other science related channels and programs while growing up. I always loved stopping along hiking trails and searching the natural debris just to see what it was made of. I had my own little microscope and hated the so called "standard experiments" that came with the instrument, but instead wanted to look at other stuff I found and get of the "beaten path" of known knowledge. I also did this with funny and semi-dangerous results with a "toy" chemistry set. My parents never appreciated this growing up as my dad, being an engineer for Ford Motor Company, was into putting everything into its own box and one must follow the written instructions. Experimentation was never his strong suit.
Seeing that I am wondering why the Discovery Channel insists on the idiotic documentaries that are so pseudo-scientific that they were laughable. First of all were the documentaries that could only be summed up as "CSI:Ancient Egypt". In it they were retelling the discoveries of King Tut and the Queen. They were trying to make it seem like they were going to absolutely and definitively say who killed both.
Well first of all the so called "crime scenes" were a bit tainted after say 5000-6000 years. But that didn't stop the "detectives" from carrying out their "investigations". Of course none of the "detectives" had a clue where or how either of the principles actually died, or if they even had the right bodies. But they were going to tell us what happened back then when they don't even have a clue who they were looking at? Oh c'mon don't insult our intelligence.
Another one was the "Iceman" found in the Alps. There were all these people arguing over how the Iceman died and why. Again they were putting in modern day values on the old society and ignored any facts that didn't fit in with their own biases and prejudices. How can any of them say what exactly was important in those days of "pre-history" when things weren't written down. Who is to say what different tools and implements made someone important? For example they said that having an axe made one important. How many of our leaders and politicians do you see carrying an axe? Or for that matter in the military the higher your rank, the less you carry. Why wasn't that true back then as well? Why wouldn't the low man on the totem be responsible for gathering wood and stuff like that where one needs an axe? Or is it the ego of the scientists trying to make their discovery, important as it is, the equivalent of finding a king's tomb. It is similar to the people who go to mediums and want to find out that they were once some famous person. You ever notice no one was ever told they were just a peon working in the fields or factories of old? So of course the "Iceman" had to be a chieftain to make it seem more important than it was.
The last group was last night's (4/13) on what the world would look like if humans were to disappear. Let's face it people, we already know what would happen. Look at the ruins in the jungles of Belize, or Angkor Wat in the jungle of Cambodia. It seemed more like someone wanted to show off computer graphics than actually show us science or offer new knowledge. Yes it is cool to watch buildings and famous structures crumble, but then again all we have to do is go to old western "ghost towns" to see that. So besides to put forth the "neo-flat earthers" political pseudo-science there was no point of the documentary. There was no real point or reason for it to be made, again, except for the ego of the producers. It was even poorly written and narrated by someone who sounded less than enthusiastic about the text, as if saying "Okay I did it, where's the check?"
"Neo-Flat Earthers" you say? What are those?
Well I am glad you asked. These are the pseudo-scientists that are running around like Chicken Little screaming that the "sky is falling" about the global warming problem. They only seem to want to blame industry and business. They of course are driving around in their big SUVs, having big parties that waste tons of electricity, live in huge buildings and suburbs that cause them to waste a lot of energy. Yet they are screaming at the poor and middle class to stop using energy and give them money so they can run around wasting more energy and not do any real work.
They ignore real science like the fact that climate change has happened many times in the past and yes it was drastic and changed the planet. They also leave out a most important piece of the puzzle in that the earth and our solar system's place in the universe is not static (This is why I call them "Neo-Flat Earthers). In fact the Earth is always evolving and moving. The poles are always moving. In fact there is proof that the poles were once offset by 90 degrees, and are moving that way. Also our Solar System is one in a huge Galaxy. We are forever orbiting the center of the Galaxy as our planet orbit the sun. The Galaxy is orbiting an axis point in the universe. What this does is change gravitational pull and that effects what happens here on Earth as well. Of course we really don't feel it as we are part of the system and it happens in such a non-dramatic way that it is easy to think that it is not happening (like the Earth spinning on its axis).
The ancient astronomers of China, Arabia and the Mayans knew this and plotted these out but are ignored by the NFE's of the west. What significance do you think that the year 2012 has on the Mayan Calendar? Some say it doesn't go further than December 21, 2012. Also there was a supposed lost book of Nostradamus that agrees with this prediction. Well if you match the two texts and add the Chinese discoveries you find that it appears that is when we will be in alignment with the center of our Galaxy. So basically it means one full orbit for us and our system. So naturally the gravitational pull of the Galaxy would change how our and other planets react.
Now I am all for informative, intelligent, and entertaining documentaries, but please quit insulting our intelligence with the oversimplified, exaggerated and outright lying of these latest offerings.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
How To Properly Use Debt Reduction Consolidation Services
Whether it be for education, for our first house, or for repairs, we all incur a heavy debt load from loans at some point in our lives. This debt needs to be repaid and that’s when we collect information on the best possible deal, which will ultimately burden us the least.
Debt reduction services provide detailed counseling on debt management and credit education. These services aim at teaching people how to attain and maintain a debt free life. This is done by suggesting which debt programs to go for or when and what is the smartest way to take a loan and what repayment structure a given consumer should follow.
Bear in mind that people providing this help are not the sales department; they are financial professionals. Their debt reduction techniques are much more aggressive than any other and are completely different than debt consolidation strategies.
Bankruptcy chapter 7 and debt settlement are two major ways to eliminate debts. This ensures debt reduction in overall amount as well as quick repayment. In bankruptcy, you plead to the judge to supervise the liquidation of your left over assets to repay creditors.
Most of the times, the bankrupt party is left with nothing but exempt property, which leaves nothing for creditors to recover. Hence, the amount of payments, the date, and time is up to the judge. He will also dispense of the bankrupt party's belongings.
However, it is important to note that chapter seven is only possible under strict conditions. There is a good chance you may be ineligible. If you are, you should consider debt settlement.
Debt settlement on the other hand has been around for a while. The mission is to consolidate the debt amount altogether by 40% or more, reducing the principle amount by 40%, which means you pay only 60%. Consolidation services can save you up to 30%-45% of what you owe, but it can’t exceed the three-year limit.
Make it a top priority to eradicate your unsecured debt as well, when you opt for consumer credit counseling. Get rid of your debt today by signing with the right debt company.
Need to learn how to get and stay out of debt and live debt free?
Tips and techniques outlined in our ebook “Debt Free Living”.
For more information:
Debt reduction services provide detailed counseling on debt management and credit education. These services aim at teaching people how to attain and maintain a debt free life. This is done by suggesting which debt programs to go for or when and what is the smartest way to take a loan and what repayment structure a given consumer should follow.
Bear in mind that people providing this help are not the sales department; they are financial professionals. Their debt reduction techniques are much more aggressive than any other and are completely different than debt consolidation strategies.
Bankruptcy chapter 7 and debt settlement are two major ways to eliminate debts. This ensures debt reduction in overall amount as well as quick repayment. In bankruptcy, you plead to the judge to supervise the liquidation of your left over assets to repay creditors.
Most of the times, the bankrupt party is left with nothing but exempt property, which leaves nothing for creditors to recover. Hence, the amount of payments, the date, and time is up to the judge. He will also dispense of the bankrupt party's belongings.
However, it is important to note that chapter seven is only possible under strict conditions. There is a good chance you may be ineligible. If you are, you should consider debt settlement.
Debt settlement on the other hand has been around for a while. The mission is to consolidate the debt amount altogether by 40% or more, reducing the principle amount by 40%, which means you pay only 60%. Consolidation services can save you up to 30%-45% of what you owe, but it can’t exceed the three-year limit.
Make it a top priority to eradicate your unsecured debt as well, when you opt for consumer credit counseling. Get rid of your debt today by signing with the right debt company.
Need to learn how to get and stay out of debt and live debt free?
Tips and techniques outlined in our ebook “Debt Free Living”.
For more information:
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