Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Must Start Somewhere - How To Begin Investing and Getting To The Top of The Heap.

Donald Trump and Warren Buffet didn't start out rich, they started building their empires somewhere and you can join them with patience and persistance.

If you are anxious to get your investments started, you can get started right away without having a lot of knowledge about the stock market. Sure it helps, but while you are studying and learning, you can still invest your money in an intelligent manner. Start by being a conservative investor with a low risk tolerance. This will give you a way to making your money grow while you learn more about investing.

Start with an interest bearing savings account. Sure this is not exciting, but every little bit helps. Something is better than nothing. Besides, you can always move the money latter after you are more knowledgeable and confidant with your investment knowledge. You may already have one. If you don’t, you should. A savings account can be opened at the same bank that you do your checking at , or at any other bank. A savings account should pay 2 – 4% on the money that you have in the account. Again not exciting, it’s not a lot of money, unless you have a million dollars in that account, but it is a start, and it is money making money.

Next, invest in money market funds. This can often be done through your bank. These funds have higher interest payouts than typical savings accounts, but they work much the same way, some even let you write a limited number of checks against the account (generally two to three a month). These are short term investments, so your money won’t be tied up for a long period of time, but again, it is money making money, and that is the general idea isn't it?

Certificates of Deposit are also sound investments with no risk. The interest rates on CD’s are typically higher than those of savings accounts or Money Market Funds.

You can select the duration of your investment, and interest is paid regularly until the CD reaches maturity. CD’s can be purchased at your bank, and your bank will insure them against loss. When the CD reaches maturity, you receive your original investment, plus the interest that the CD has earned. Again f you are not ready for the big time when they do mature, have th interest moved to your money market fund, and "roll-over" the CD's (reinvest the principle in another CD of the same approximate length).

If you are just starting out, one or all of these three types of investments is the best starting point. Again, this will allow your money to start making money for you while you learn more about investing in other places. This way you will build up capital for when you are ready for the next step.


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