We are past the market meltdown of 2009 and things are looking up for investors once again. With the new financial regulation being pushed through congress one can safely start thinking about getting back into the game.
The potential for higher returns are far better from the stock market than from many of the safe investments available. $1 wisely invested in the stock market can bring many multiples in returns when compared to leaving money in a bank (where interest can be shockingly low).
Many people believe that the stock market is too risky – yes, there is an element of risk, and yes you could potentially lose your capital…but investors who take the time to educate themselves and fine-tune their investment skills have a far better chance of getting much better returns on their capital than those who opt for 100% safe investments. It’s also important to note that often, when one leaves their money in a bank, the actual returns from the interest do not even cover the cost of inflation – in some cases it’s possible to actually lose money in real terms because inflation is higher than the general interest received.
In fact, investing in the stock market offers something for every type of investor, from risk averse to those who are willing to take on calculated risks in order to achieve higher returns. There are also scores of investment funds where the investor does not need to know anything about stock markets or investment – the fund manager invests on your behalf, usually in return for a fee. There is of course no guarantee that a fund will deliver outstanding performance (or will not incur a loss) but if anyone ought to know about beating the market it would be fund managers.
Having said all this there are also risks inherent with stock market investment. When you deposit your money in a bank your capital is not really at risk – with stock market investment you run the risk of losing all the money that you invest if the stock goes bust. Also, while many analysts look at past performance of companies and markets we all know of the disclaimer that says “the past is not necessarily a guide to future performance” – in other words what has brought success before may not always bring success in the future. The market can be a real enigma at times.
Why The Smaller Investor Has Advantages Over Huge Multinational Funds When It Comes To Scooping Up Higher Investment Returns
You would be forgiven in thinking that with all the professional managers, funds and resources at their disposal that investment funds would win head over heels against the smaller investor like you and I. In fact this is not at all the case – smaller investors have several advantages over the big funds and have every chance of beating their returns on investments. Here’s why:
The individual investor does not have to invest millions and so they can invest in small caps (tiny growth companies) that have the potential to grow many times over. These stocks are typically far too illiquid for funds to enter.
The smaller investor can get in and out of a stock with the simple click of a mouse or a phone call (and get roughly the same sale price per share). The larger funds have to gradually sell their holdings in a company (they may have millions of shares to offload – not an easy or quick thing to achieve).
Individual investors can effectively trade positions for small gains – something that larger funds simply do not have the ability to do.
On top of this, the internet has more or less facilitated the smaller investor to have access to the same information at the same time as the big city fund managers. Arguably, the individual investor also has the added advantage of speed – a fund manager may have to get approval in order to buy into a company (not a case for the individual investor) and cannot take advantage of special situations (such as buying on breaking news and so on).
Remember however, if you really want to become a “professional investor” – one who is savvy enough to beat the market and essentially make a living from investments then you need to learn as much as you can about how the market works, how to analyze companies, the part psychology plays in driving markets and how to create an investment/trading system that’s right for you. Even the masters of investing such as Warren Buffet and Jim Slater all started from scratch. Warren Buffet once did not know what the PE of a company meant. Jim Slater once did now know how to read the balance sheet of a company. They educated themselves and discovered how to pick stocks that have excellent potential – you could be doing the same. The first step to investment is to invest in yourself and your education. To offer an overused yet apt phrase – KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
Come back next time for more tips. Tricks and techniques to assist you in Living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Avoiding Insurance Fraud
Now that Health Reform has been passed, one needs to be wary when shopping for Health Insurance. Yes it is now mandatory just like Car Insurance for drivers. I'll leave the debate about the constitutional legalities for another day. The fact is you will need to get it if you are not covered by your employer, or one of your family members. But be wary, very wary when researching Health Insurance companies. Just like the Auto Insurance Industry, there are a lot of fraudulent companies out to make a quick buck out of you and your needs.
Everyone knows that the health insurance industry is continually raising monthly premiums, and many feel this is unjust to you as the consumer. However, the health insurance industry has had to fight increasing health insurance fraud. The amount of money spent on investigating and prosecuting fraud is then passed on to policyholders. Many people do not understand what health insurance fraud entails, though. With reports estimating health insurance fraud is a $30 billion to over $100 billion industry per year, the topic should not be taken lightly. Every health insurance policyholder should understand what health insurance fraud is and its consequences. By doing so, you are more able to recognize and fight fraud.
Health insurance fraud is typically defined as intentionally deceiving, misrepresenting, or concealing information to receive benefits from the insurance company. Essentially this means that you assert that you paid for certain medical procedures or expenses out-of-pocket which you have not actually received, and you are submitting claims to the insurance company to receive reimbursement. Another example of member fraud is to conceal pre-existing conditions or to alter medical documents so that non-policyholders or ineligible members receive medical benefits under your policy. Perhaps your sister does not have insurance and needs medical attention. Having her use your name and policy to cover the expenses is health insurance fraud. While you may think that this is a small issue in comparison to your sister receiving treatment, it is actually very serious to your health insurance company and industry, and will result in fines and possible imprisonment if your are caught.
Not only policyholders commit fraud, but providers (physicians, hospitals, etc.) do as well. Since physicians and hospitals bill the insurance company for services they provide for you, they are also receiving reimbursement from the insurance company. When providers commit fraud, they may be billing the insurance company at higher rates for services rendered or they may bill for services you never received. In these cases, you will probably be asked to cooperate in the insurance company's investigation.
Another type of health insurance fraud that has developed recently targets the policyholder more than the insurance company. Schemes have developed where fake insurance companies or agents sign unsuspecting customers for coverage at surprisingly low premium rates. They often act much like a regular insurance company for the first few months, paying for smaller medical claims like physicians visits. But once you have a more serious medical condition that needs treatment, the insurance company will disappear - along with the money you have been paying in premiums.
The rule with health insurance fraud is much like that of any other scam: if a deal seems too good to be true, just remember - it probably is. Remember to be honest in your dealings with health insurance companies and expect the same in the return from these companies, as well as your health care providers. Stay legal to avoid fines and prison and to continue receiving health insurance coverage.
Come back next time for more tips. Tricks and techniques to assist you in Living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
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Everyone knows that the health insurance industry is continually raising monthly premiums, and many feel this is unjust to you as the consumer. However, the health insurance industry has had to fight increasing health insurance fraud. The amount of money spent on investigating and prosecuting fraud is then passed on to policyholders. Many people do not understand what health insurance fraud entails, though. With reports estimating health insurance fraud is a $30 billion to over $100 billion industry per year, the topic should not be taken lightly. Every health insurance policyholder should understand what health insurance fraud is and its consequences. By doing so, you are more able to recognize and fight fraud.
Health insurance fraud is typically defined as intentionally deceiving, misrepresenting, or concealing information to receive benefits from the insurance company. Essentially this means that you assert that you paid for certain medical procedures or expenses out-of-pocket which you have not actually received, and you are submitting claims to the insurance company to receive reimbursement. Another example of member fraud is to conceal pre-existing conditions or to alter medical documents so that non-policyholders or ineligible members receive medical benefits under your policy. Perhaps your sister does not have insurance and needs medical attention. Having her use your name and policy to cover the expenses is health insurance fraud. While you may think that this is a small issue in comparison to your sister receiving treatment, it is actually very serious to your health insurance company and industry, and will result in fines and possible imprisonment if your are caught.
Not only policyholders commit fraud, but providers (physicians, hospitals, etc.) do as well. Since physicians and hospitals bill the insurance company for services they provide for you, they are also receiving reimbursement from the insurance company. When providers commit fraud, they may be billing the insurance company at higher rates for services rendered or they may bill for services you never received. In these cases, you will probably be asked to cooperate in the insurance company's investigation.
Another type of health insurance fraud that has developed recently targets the policyholder more than the insurance company. Schemes have developed where fake insurance companies or agents sign unsuspecting customers for coverage at surprisingly low premium rates. They often act much like a regular insurance company for the first few months, paying for smaller medical claims like physicians visits. But once you have a more serious medical condition that needs treatment, the insurance company will disappear - along with the money you have been paying in premiums.
The rule with health insurance fraud is much like that of any other scam: if a deal seems too good to be true, just remember - it probably is. Remember to be honest in your dealings with health insurance companies and expect the same in the return from these companies, as well as your health care providers. Stay legal to avoid fines and prison and to continue receiving health insurance coverage.
Come back next time for more tips. Tricks and techniques to assist you in Living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
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Monday, March 8, 2010
Save Money by Avoiding those Little Temptations
It's the little things that tend to really add up when you find yourself with more month at the end of the money. It is too easy to say, “It's only a dollar, its only five dollars etc.” but these little purchases is what brings about the biggest trouble when one tries to save money.
Saving money and financial management is very crucial in one's life. Money is very important in order to survive in this world but only a few people know how to manage their household budget properly. Many people have a hard time saving money even if it is for their own good.
Most of the time, you may be motivated to save money but there are times when temptations come your way and before you know it, you have already spent the amount that was supposed to be added to your savings account. Here are some helpful tips on how you can avoid temptations and be able to save money:
1. Try hard to avoid those things that keep you from saving. If you are fond of buying shoes even if you don't really need them, try very hard to stay away from them. Keep yourself away from shoe stores so that you will not be tempted to buy one.
2. When going to grocery stores. Always bring the exact amount and bring with you a grocery list. If you have limited money in your pocket when in grocery stores, you will be forced to buy only those important things that you need. Preparing a grocery list will also help you get organized and will help you in deciding the things that need to be prioritized.
3. Go to the malls only when needed. Do not go shopping if you do not need anything important to buy. Window-shopping will only tempt you to buy the dress you saw in the boutique even if you don't really need it.
4. Do not bring all your credit cards with you all the time. Having a credit card in your pocket will only tempt you to buy things that are not necessary. This will also help you lower your balances and have a good credit score.
5. You may want to save money in the bank or invest in time deposits. You will not be tempted to get money from the bank every time you need cash, if they are placed in a time deposit account.
6. You may also want to consider consulting a financial advisor. There are a lot of programs that offer these services for free. They may be able to help you and give you advice on how you can avoid temptations and save more money.
So watch out for those little “nickel and dime” purchases that eat away at your finances. Be careful and mindful and you will find that you will soon have more than enough money to last out the month and beyond.
Come back next time for more tips. Tricks and techniques to assist you in Living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
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Saving money and financial management is very crucial in one's life. Money is very important in order to survive in this world but only a few people know how to manage their household budget properly. Many people have a hard time saving money even if it is for their own good.
Most of the time, you may be motivated to save money but there are times when temptations come your way and before you know it, you have already spent the amount that was supposed to be added to your savings account. Here are some helpful tips on how you can avoid temptations and be able to save money:
1. Try hard to avoid those things that keep you from saving. If you are fond of buying shoes even if you don't really need them, try very hard to stay away from them. Keep yourself away from shoe stores so that you will not be tempted to buy one.
2. When going to grocery stores. Always bring the exact amount and bring with you a grocery list. If you have limited money in your pocket when in grocery stores, you will be forced to buy only those important things that you need. Preparing a grocery list will also help you get organized and will help you in deciding the things that need to be prioritized.
3. Go to the malls only when needed. Do not go shopping if you do not need anything important to buy. Window-shopping will only tempt you to buy the dress you saw in the boutique even if you don't really need it.
4. Do not bring all your credit cards with you all the time. Having a credit card in your pocket will only tempt you to buy things that are not necessary. This will also help you lower your balances and have a good credit score.
5. You may want to save money in the bank or invest in time deposits. You will not be tempted to get money from the bank every time you need cash, if they are placed in a time deposit account.
6. You may also want to consider consulting a financial advisor. There are a lot of programs that offer these services for free. They may be able to help you and give you advice on how you can avoid temptations and save more money.
So watch out for those little “nickel and dime” purchases that eat away at your finances. Be careful and mindful and you will find that you will soon have more than enough money to last out the month and beyond.
Come back next time for more tips. Tricks and techniques to assist you in Living the Champagne Life on a Beer Budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
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