Generally when someone discusses unclaimed money or missing assets they talk in terms of bank saving accounts, safety deposit vaults, deposit certificates, estates owned, money orders that were not cashed, insurance policies that are terminated or matured, term deposits, non refunded utility deposits and many more similar type commerces operations. There are many other transaction that generate unclaimed money. Some of the lesser know other type of unclaimed money sources are Unclaimed Child Support Payments, Unclaimed Indian Trust Royalities, Holocaust Claims, and Unclaimed War Claims.
Unclaimed War Claims:
In 1981 the Federal Government completed a program to determine the validity and amount of claims against the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and again in 1986, against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam that resulted from the nationalization or other taking of property on or after April 29, 1975, when the Government of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) was overthrown for losses which arose from the nationalization or other taking by that government of property interests of nationals of the United States. The Federal Government granted awards to 2,437 claimants and a settlement agreement, which provided funds for the payment of the awards, was concluded with the Federal Republic of Germany on May 13, 1992.
In 1986, the Federal Government granted awards to 192 claimants and a settlement agreement, that provided funds for the payment of the awards, was concluded with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on January 28, 1995. The Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, began advising claimants on the status of the program on September 25, 1992.
Holocaust Claims:
In February 2001, the Holocaust Claims Resolution Tribunal published the names of the owners of approximately 21,000 accounts that probably or possibly belonged to victims of Nazi persecution. In January 2005, the CRT published approximately 2,700 additional names of Account Owners and approximately 400 additional names of Power of Attorney holders of accounts probably or possibly belonging to Victims of Nazi Persecution.
Unclaimed Indian Trust Royalities:
Funds retained in Federal Indian trust accounts amount to approximately $3 billion. About $480 million is owned by individuals, the rest is held for Tribes. The funds are held in trust by the U.S. Government for over 315 Tribes and approximately 260,000 individuals. Each year, more than $800 million passes through the tribal trust funds system and over $300 million through another Trust account. Investment earnings make up a significant portion of the total receipts.
Funds are derived from the sale or rental of Indian-owned natural resources such as timber or grazing land, and royalties from oil and natural gas exploration and production. Funds also are derived from awards or settlements of tribal claims for lost land or other damages. Interest earned on the invested funds also is part of these funds.
Unclaimed Child Support Payments:
Over the years the states have collected over $96 billion in court-ordered child support that would have typically have gone unpaid each year. Every year since 1998 this has increases from $15 billion to $22 billion with the success rate increasing from 23 percent to 51 percent. But soon changes that are to take effect in October of 2007 will drastically reduce those numbers, do to the lack of federal support to the states in track down deadbeat parents.
States report an undistributed funds pool of over $734 million at the end of 2004 in collected but undistributed child support payments. Many States have a policy, some state lawmakers find it disturbing, that money collected from parents by the state on behalf of children could instead be spent on prisons, roads or legislative staff. Unclaimed child-support funds that do go into the state treasury can later be claimed and paid for the intended children, officials point out. But the practice of sending undisbursed money to the treasury after just one year is still a point of outrage for many.
If you or your family want to find out if you are entitled to funds due to participation in any of these other unclaimed property programs, check all of the states where you have lived previously, or states where your relatives were settled. Also check out states where you may have done businesses or jobs. They all have databases you can look through for your family name. Or let us help you find that money. Our resources cover numerous jurisdictions and Tribunal discovery sources that will assist us to speedily locate any and all unclaimed funds rightfully due you. (URL)
Do you or someone you know have money out there that is waiting to be found? One nevre knows until you check.
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in living the Champagne life on a beer budget. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Budget Bathroom Redecorating - A Few Helpful Tips
We recently redecorated and did a makeover (going green of course) to our bathroom and here's a few ideas to help save money and the planet as you do yours.
Before you start thinking about any decorating you would like to do in your bathroom, you need to make sure that it is in good shape. It is important that you make sure there are no leaks, and that all the caulking is tight.
You do not want to complete the redecoration of your bathroom, only to find a leak, and that you will have to completely redecorate after it has been fixed.
Unfortunately, although the bathroom is one of the easiest and least expensive to decorate, it is often the most neglected. For many of us, redecorating our bathroom consists of replacing an old shower curtain with a new one and that’s it.
But hopefully, using the tips provided below, you should be able produce a whole new and inviting look to your bathroom.
1.You can make a huge impact on this room by getting rid of any dark wood and old hardware on cupboards. Just by using some paint and replacing the handles on the doors, you will give the room a completely different look.
2.Why not put some plants in your bathroom, as they thrive in such an environment?
3.Use light. Bright colors will create the illusion of space even in the smallest of spaces (which many bathrooms are).
4.Change the light fixtures, as the right type of lighting can make a huge difference to any bathroom.
5.Why not consider replacing the taps to your bath and sinks. Just by replacing the tired, old looking taps to your bath, you will give it a completely different look, and it’s an inexpensive way of updating an old room.
6.Instead of buying a new shower curtain, why not instead choose to use a regular curtain. This can be hung from a tension rod and backed with a shower curtain liner. Such liners come in a variety of colors and are inexpensive to buy.
7.Get a few candles. Not only are they attractive, but they instantly add warmth (even when not lit to a space). Also, there is so much variety of colors, shapes and sizes of candles available, that I think you will find it difficult to choose exactly what you want. But it is best if you buy ones which will co-ordinate with the décor of your bathroom. Plus, add a few bars of scented soap and your bathroom will soon feel warm and luxurious.
In fact, before long by using the tips provided above, your bathroom will look fresh and bright. Not only this, but you will know just how easy it is to do and how inexpensive it is. Soon you will be ready to start decorating another room in your home!
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to help you live a champagne life on a beer budget. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.
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Before you start thinking about any decorating you would like to do in your bathroom, you need to make sure that it is in good shape. It is important that you make sure there are no leaks, and that all the caulking is tight.
You do not want to complete the redecoration of your bathroom, only to find a leak, and that you will have to completely redecorate after it has been fixed.
Unfortunately, although the bathroom is one of the easiest and least expensive to decorate, it is often the most neglected. For many of us, redecorating our bathroom consists of replacing an old shower curtain with a new one and that’s it.
But hopefully, using the tips provided below, you should be able produce a whole new and inviting look to your bathroom.
1.You can make a huge impact on this room by getting rid of any dark wood and old hardware on cupboards. Just by using some paint and replacing the handles on the doors, you will give the room a completely different look.
2.Why not put some plants in your bathroom, as they thrive in such an environment?
3.Use light. Bright colors will create the illusion of space even in the smallest of spaces (which many bathrooms are).
4.Change the light fixtures, as the right type of lighting can make a huge difference to any bathroom.
5.Why not consider replacing the taps to your bath and sinks. Just by replacing the tired, old looking taps to your bath, you will give it a completely different look, and it’s an inexpensive way of updating an old room.
6.Instead of buying a new shower curtain, why not instead choose to use a regular curtain. This can be hung from a tension rod and backed with a shower curtain liner. Such liners come in a variety of colors and are inexpensive to buy.
7.Get a few candles. Not only are they attractive, but they instantly add warmth (even when not lit to a space). Also, there is so much variety of colors, shapes and sizes of candles available, that I think you will find it difficult to choose exactly what you want. But it is best if you buy ones which will co-ordinate with the décor of your bathroom. Plus, add a few bars of scented soap and your bathroom will soon feel warm and luxurious.
In fact, before long by using the tips provided above, your bathroom will look fresh and bright. Not only this, but you will know just how easy it is to do and how inexpensive it is. Soon you will be ready to start decorating another room in your home!
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to help you live a champagne life on a beer budget. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.
Must Have Finance Tools and Resources
Want to save money while learning how to save money?
Well Order the Budget Mega Pack and receive two valuable bonus ebooks for your collection.
Hey, you earned it, why not keep it?
For more info and to Order Today so you can save On These Valuable Resources
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The State of Your Unclaimed Money
You know how good it feels when you fish a $10 bill out of your jeans pocket right before it hits the wash. Many Americans have found missing money secrets and have claimed money that rightfully belonged to them. You could be one of them. Imagine coming into hundreds, even thousands of dollars from a savings bond or a bank account you forgot about.
Lost cash, aka unclaimed property is becoming a cash cow for many states. These unclaimed assets/money is effectively revenue for the States. If there is a question as to the last known address of the owner, State's are beginning to make challenges or delaying a reciprocal agreement previously enforced between other states to transfer the cash to another State. This has resulted in states not listing some lost assets in its public online database until the issue is resolved. As the amounts of funds increase the difficulty of claiming your rightful property is also starting to also. You may require professional assistance.
These lost funds, for the most part, once received are placed in the Government general fund and spent on roads, schools, it becomes a part of their operating budget. If everyone of the approximately 27 million Americans were to claimed their money at one time, the vast majority of the states would not have the cash reserves to meet this obligation. There is no incentive for any Government agency to try to find or to contact individuals who have unclaimed money or property.
Every day, for whatever reasons, People move away and do not update their address, they lose track of some of their investments, they die without a will, and who knows why else...but, they leave money in banks, in utility accounts, security deposits, and many number of other ways. Some of these monetary items end up in the state's possessions after they are declared abandoned by the organization or bank that held them. These forgotten bank accounts, un-cashed stock dividends, insurance payments, safe deposit box contents, utility deposits, travelers checks, money orders and other financial instruments are turned over to the state's Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office who then try to track down the owners and return the money.
The extensive spiraling growth in the number of American families who are losing their homes seem unending. The wave of the current recession hasn't crested and is slowly creeping inwards from opposite coasts. All but a miniscule percentage of the US population has not been affected by the economic crisis that just turned global and has people worldwide struggling just to keep meals on the table.
To say people are desperate for cash would be a gigantic understatement. Unknown to most, there is a way for Americans to get their hands on some easy money. It's not a sure-shot deal mind you, but it's not a scam either. I'm talking about lost money belonging to people and businesses that have lost track of their finances through bad addresses, file mix-ups, oversight or what have you.
A large portion of the American populace are actually richer than they think. All they need to do is discover if they are entitled to missing money from state and federal unclaimed property offices. It is quite easily to do. Are you ready to take the next step an find out for yourself? Visit this web site for more information.
Property is considered abandoned if there has been no activity on it for more than three years. There are multiple billions of dollars in lost assets and unclaimed funds awaiting you in your state general fund for this purpose There is a great chance that some of it belongs to you. Co-workers and many many others have an interest in what happens to all of this unclaimed funds. Are you[/V]Will you be[/V] going to receive your inheritance or sit back and fail to avail your self of the services that your state offers? Are you going to claim your unclaimed funds? Reclaim your share of unclaimed money billions. Don't you deserve it!
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in living the Champagne life on a beer budget. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
Lost cash, aka unclaimed property is becoming a cash cow for many states. These unclaimed assets/money is effectively revenue for the States. If there is a question as to the last known address of the owner, State's are beginning to make challenges or delaying a reciprocal agreement previously enforced between other states to transfer the cash to another State. This has resulted in states not listing some lost assets in its public online database until the issue is resolved. As the amounts of funds increase the difficulty of claiming your rightful property is also starting to also. You may require professional assistance.
These lost funds, for the most part, once received are placed in the Government general fund and spent on roads, schools, it becomes a part of their operating budget. If everyone of the approximately 27 million Americans were to claimed their money at one time, the vast majority of the states would not have the cash reserves to meet this obligation. There is no incentive for any Government agency to try to find or to contact individuals who have unclaimed money or property.
Every day, for whatever reasons, People move away and do not update their address, they lose track of some of their investments, they die without a will, and who knows why else...but, they leave money in banks, in utility accounts, security deposits, and many number of other ways. Some of these monetary items end up in the state's possessions after they are declared abandoned by the organization or bank that held them. These forgotten bank accounts, un-cashed stock dividends, insurance payments, safe deposit box contents, utility deposits, travelers checks, money orders and other financial instruments are turned over to the state's Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office who then try to track down the owners and return the money.
The extensive spiraling growth in the number of American families who are losing their homes seem unending. The wave of the current recession hasn't crested and is slowly creeping inwards from opposite coasts. All but a miniscule percentage of the US population has not been affected by the economic crisis that just turned global and has people worldwide struggling just to keep meals on the table.
To say people are desperate for cash would be a gigantic understatement. Unknown to most, there is a way for Americans to get their hands on some easy money. It's not a sure-shot deal mind you, but it's not a scam either. I'm talking about lost money belonging to people and businesses that have lost track of their finances through bad addresses, file mix-ups, oversight or what have you.
A large portion of the American populace are actually richer than they think. All they need to do is discover if they are entitled to missing money from state and federal unclaimed property offices. It is quite easily to do. Are you ready to take the next step an find out for yourself? Visit this web site for more information.
Property is considered abandoned if there has been no activity on it for more than three years. There are multiple billions of dollars in lost assets and unclaimed funds awaiting you in your state general fund for this purpose There is a great chance that some of it belongs to you. Co-workers and many many others have an interest in what happens to all of this unclaimed funds. Are you[/V]Will you be[/V] going to receive your inheritance or sit back and fail to avail your self of the services that your state offers? Are you going to claim your unclaimed funds? Reclaim your share of unclaimed money billions. Don't you deserve it!
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in living the Champagne life on a beer budget. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for ya.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
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