Billions in unclaimed cash, unclaimed bank funds, lost cash and property is up for grabs. Unclaimed money as a result of things like forgotten bank accounts, dividend checks, stocks, insurance over payments, and uncashed checks. Locating lost assets isn't difficult, once you know what you're doing and get the right guidance.
Where does this money come from? It might be a long forgotten bank account that you left behind when you moved, or a relative's insurance policy that was never recovered. It may be a bond you purchased under your maiden name and forgot about. When these funds sit idle for a certain number of years, financial institutions are required to turn the money over to the state. Finding missing or unclaimed cash isn't to hard to do, as long as you know where to begin looking. If you don't have time or want to go through the trouble, an asset locator can aid you.
A number of states have entered into reciprocal agreements. The intent being to simplify unclaimed property and money holder reporting. A reciprocal agreement provides for holders to file unclaimed property reports for many states through one agent state. A holder reporting to an agent state may file in the agent state's format. As an unclaimed property holder, they may report property whose owner's addresses are in any of the states with which a State has reciprocity agreements.
The items need not be separated by state on the report. In a situation where the owner's address is unknown, the property is due to the state where the holder is incorporated. Property held for other states is automatically transferred to the appropriate state on an annual basis. Be aware that the holder/state should follow the unclaimed property law for each reciprocal state, and must use the abandonment period and aggregation limits for those states.
Every day, for whatever reasons, People move away and do not update their address, they lose track of some of their investments, they die without a will, and who knows why else...but, they leave money in banks, in utility accounts, security deposits, and many number of other ways. Some of these monetary items end up in the state's possessions after they are declared abandoned by the organization or retailer that held them. These forgotten bank accounts, un-cashed stock dividends, insurance payments, safe deposit box contents, utility deposits, travelers checks, money orders and other financial instruments are turned over to the state's Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office who then try to track down the owners and return the money.
Unfortunately, very few of the millions of people owed federal, state, and private unclaimed property are actually attempting to pursue missing money claims. The $40 BILLION national unclaimed money pile and its rapid compounded growth every year is evidence of this. During times like these, with so many people in need due to the U.S. sluggish economy, it's quite ironic these multitudes in the financial bind are not looking into this method for assistance.
The problem may lie in lack of public knowledge and proper search methods. Finding out how to perform a unclaimed money search is a little daunting, but not impossible. Knowing where, when and how to look can put much needed funds in citizens' desperate hands. Locating some one that can guide you may be all you need to do.
If your bank failed and you don't claim those funds within a year and a half, most likely the money in your account is going to be turned over to the FDIC. There are multiple billions of dollars in unrequested estates and lost assets waiting for you in your state treasury office coffers There is a possibility that some of it belongs to you. Relatives and many many others have an interest in what happens to all of this lost assets. It is up to you. Will you be going to receive your inheritance or be lazy because you failed to avail your self of the services that your state offers? Are you going to claim your lost assets? Find your hidden money...NOW!
Hey it's your money, find it or lose it. If you want ot help others as well check out he ebook offer at the end of this article.
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques for living the champagne life on a beer budget. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Reclaim Lost Riches and Assets
How much of it belongs to you? There are literally tens of billions in unrequested money across the country in every state. As each state unclaimed wealth offices take in more than they dole out, have you ever wondered, how much of it belongs to you?
There's almost $33 billion in unclaimed money from old payroll checks, utility refunds, trust distributions, stocks, banking or checking accounts, certificates of deposit and the contents of safe deposit boxes, according to estimates by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators.
According to, within the United States alone, billions of dollars of unrequested unclaimed money and property is collecting dust in state Abandoned Property offices. If all accounts combined to include the funds held world wide by similar organizations in other countries, the sum of unrequested unclaimed money and property could exceed $500 billion dollars. Anything you're supposed to keep for 30 years is bound to slip your mind. Isn't it nice that someone else is keeping track of it for you, even though they don't have the most accurate of tracking systems?
The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators is an organization that represents the Unclaimed Money Bureau of each State and tries their best to protect and help Americans find their missing money from lost assets. They are not Heir Locator or Money Finder's as they are sometimes called. Money Finder's are paid professional finders. Someone who is in the business of trying to find and assist the owners of unclaimed funds. In most States, if you do choose to use a finder, a full disclosure contract must be signed between the finder and the owner and must specify where the money is, what the money represents, the amount of the funds, the finder's fee (no more than X%, as provided by that State's statute), and how much the owner receives after the fee.
Every day, for various reasons, People move away and do not update their address, they lose track of some of their investments, they die without a will, and who knows why else...but, they leave money in banks, in utility accounts, security deposits, and many number of other ways. Some of these monetary items end up in the state's possessions after they are declared abandoned by the organization or loan company that held them. These forgotten bank accounts, un-cashed stock dividends, insurance payments, safe deposit box contents, utility deposits, travelers checks, money orders and other financial instruments are turned over to the state's Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office who then try to track down the owners and return the money.
By the amount of unrequested and unclaimed money and property on record, it appears these state offices are under staffed and fail badly in locating the owner's of the unclaimed money and property. All 50 states have a Treasury Office and forgotten assets or some similarly named division. This is the office responsible for maintaining the unclaimed money and property and handling claims for it. Some states have limitations on how long they keep left behind wealth before turning it over to state coffers; however they must keep it until the owner is found. Some states even pay interest on the money if the property was originally an interest bearing instrument. You must check with your individual state and find out what their procedures are.
If you speculate you may have unclaimed money and property held by your state, you should seek out the correct state agency to find out whether your name, or in the case it is the estate of a deceased individual, their name is on the list. Each state maintains a publicly available list of left behind assets holdings. If you or the person you represent is on the list your next step is to file a claim and return the form with the necessary certification or proof of ownership. Requirements for proving ownership vary from state to state, based on the amount of the claim and other factors. Acceptable identification many include copies of driver's licenses, receipts, social security cards and numbers, bank account numbers, savings passbooks, checking account and bank statements, or other notarized documents.
It has been theorized that ten percent of the U.S. population is owned money from left behind wealth and unclaimed money and property treasury office coffers. The state departments do not have the resources to investigate every case; therefore much of it goes unclaimed. There are professional finders, or heir searchers who locate the owners of unclaimed money and property and charge a fee or commission in exchange. Private Detective's of unclaimed money and property generally limit their activity to large estate findings. Be careful if you enlist a Heir Locator's to locate your potential unclaimed money and property.
Unclaimed money can be easily obtained once you know how and where to look. Take a gander at the amounts these states are holding:
The state of Colorado is home to more than $50 million in unclaimed money.
Alabama's unclaimed money rolls have swelled to nearly $400 million this year.
The KY State Treasurer is now holding more than $150 million in unclaimed property
Residents of Hawaii stand to share $130 million in unclaimed money.
Ohio is one of the few states to be home to more than a billion dollars in unclaimed assets.
Nevada is currently holding over $200 million that belongs to the citizens who just need to step forward and claim it.
North Carolina's unclaimed money now stands at a record $700 million.
The state of Pennsylvania is currently holding over $1 billion of the citizens money.
All you need to do is learn how to perform a thorough lost asset search or secure the aid of a Money Finder company and claim what is rightfully yours.
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to help you live the Champagne life on a Beer budget. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a
commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their
unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
There's almost $33 billion in unclaimed money from old payroll checks, utility refunds, trust distributions, stocks, banking or checking accounts, certificates of deposit and the contents of safe deposit boxes, according to estimates by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators.
According to, within the United States alone, billions of dollars of unrequested unclaimed money and property is collecting dust in state Abandoned Property offices. If all accounts combined to include the funds held world wide by similar organizations in other countries, the sum of unrequested unclaimed money and property could exceed $500 billion dollars. Anything you're supposed to keep for 30 years is bound to slip your mind. Isn't it nice that someone else is keeping track of it for you, even though they don't have the most accurate of tracking systems?
The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators is an organization that represents the Unclaimed Money Bureau of each State and tries their best to protect and help Americans find their missing money from lost assets. They are not Heir Locator or Money Finder's as they are sometimes called. Money Finder's are paid professional finders. Someone who is in the business of trying to find and assist the owners of unclaimed funds. In most States, if you do choose to use a finder, a full disclosure contract must be signed between the finder and the owner and must specify where the money is, what the money represents, the amount of the funds, the finder's fee (no more than X%, as provided by that State's statute), and how much the owner receives after the fee.
Every day, for various reasons, People move away and do not update their address, they lose track of some of their investments, they die without a will, and who knows why else...but, they leave money in banks, in utility accounts, security deposits, and many number of other ways. Some of these monetary items end up in the state's possessions after they are declared abandoned by the organization or loan company that held them. These forgotten bank accounts, un-cashed stock dividends, insurance payments, safe deposit box contents, utility deposits, travelers checks, money orders and other financial instruments are turned over to the state's Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office who then try to track down the owners and return the money.
By the amount of unrequested and unclaimed money and property on record, it appears these state offices are under staffed and fail badly in locating the owner's of the unclaimed money and property. All 50 states have a Treasury Office and forgotten assets or some similarly named division. This is the office responsible for maintaining the unclaimed money and property and handling claims for it. Some states have limitations on how long they keep left behind wealth before turning it over to state coffers; however they must keep it until the owner is found. Some states even pay interest on the money if the property was originally an interest bearing instrument. You must check with your individual state and find out what their procedures are.
If you speculate you may have unclaimed money and property held by your state, you should seek out the correct state agency to find out whether your name, or in the case it is the estate of a deceased individual, their name is on the list. Each state maintains a publicly available list of left behind assets holdings. If you or the person you represent is on the list your next step is to file a claim and return the form with the necessary certification or proof of ownership. Requirements for proving ownership vary from state to state, based on the amount of the claim and other factors. Acceptable identification many include copies of driver's licenses, receipts, social security cards and numbers, bank account numbers, savings passbooks, checking account and bank statements, or other notarized documents.
It has been theorized that ten percent of the U.S. population is owned money from left behind wealth and unclaimed money and property treasury office coffers. The state departments do not have the resources to investigate every case; therefore much of it goes unclaimed. There are professional finders, or heir searchers who locate the owners of unclaimed money and property and charge a fee or commission in exchange. Private Detective's of unclaimed money and property generally limit their activity to large estate findings. Be careful if you enlist a Heir Locator's to locate your potential unclaimed money and property.
Unclaimed money can be easily obtained once you know how and where to look. Take a gander at the amounts these states are holding:
The state of Colorado is home to more than $50 million in unclaimed money.
Alabama's unclaimed money rolls have swelled to nearly $400 million this year.
The KY State Treasurer is now holding more than $150 million in unclaimed property
Residents of Hawaii stand to share $130 million in unclaimed money.
Ohio is one of the few states to be home to more than a billion dollars in unclaimed assets.
Nevada is currently holding over $200 million that belongs to the citizens who just need to step forward and claim it.
North Carolina's unclaimed money now stands at a record $700 million.
The state of Pennsylvania is currently holding over $1 billion of the citizens money.
All you need to do is learn how to perform a thorough lost asset search or secure the aid of a Money Finder company and claim what is rightfully yours.
Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to help you live the Champagne life on a Beer budget. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.
The opportunity for you to earn $200 or more an hour presents itself.
As a Money Finder, you assist these individual locate their missing assets and collect a
commission for doing so. You only collect a commission when you reunite some one with their
unclaimed property .
The Inquisitive Explorer's Unclaimed Money Finder's Guide explains it all.
It takes very little money to get started!
And as a bonus I will throw in the Inquisitive Explorer's Guide to Free Government Money.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this exciting business.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Forex Market You, and The World
Forex is a trading ‘method’ also known as FX or and foreign market exchange. Those involved in the foreign exchange markets are some of the largest companies and banks from around the world, trading in currencies from various countries to create a balance as some are going to gain money and others are going to lose money. The basics of forex are similar to that of the stock market found in any country, but on a much larger, grand scale, that involves people, currencies and trades from around the world, in just about any country.
Different currency rates happen and change every day. What the value of the dollar may be one day could be higher or lower the next. The trading on the forex market is one that you have to watch closely or if you are investing huge amounts of money, you could lose large amounts of money. The main trading areas for forex, happens in Tokyo, in London and in New York, but there are also many other locations around the world where forex trading does take place.
The most heavily traded currencies are those that include (in no particular order) the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the British pound sterling, the Japanese yen, the Eurozone eruo, and the United States dollar. You can trade any one currency against another and you can trade from that currency to another currency to build up additional money and interest daily.
The areas where forex trading is taking place will open and close, and the next will open and close. This is seen also in the stock exchanges from around the world, as different time zones are processing order and trading during different time frames. The results of any forex trading in one country could have results and differences in what happens in additional forex markets as the countries take turns opening and closing with the time zones. Exchange rates are going to vary from forex trade to forex trade, and if you are a broker, or if you are learning about the forex markets you want to know what the rates are on a given day before making any trades.
The stock market Is generally based on products, prices, and other factors within businesses that will change the price of stocks. If someone knows what is going to happened before the general public, it is often known as inside trading, using business secrets to buy stocks and make money – which by the way is illegal. There is very little, if any at all inside information in the forex trading markets. The monetary trades, buys and sells are all a part of the forex market but very little is based on business secrets, but more on the value of the economy, the currency and such of a country at that time.
Every currency that is traded on the forex market does have a three letter code associated with that currency so there is no misunderstanding about which currency or which country one is investing with at the time. The eruo is the EUR and the US dollar is known as the USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Japanese yen is known as the JPY. If you are interested in contacting a broker and becoming involved in the forex markets you can find many online where you can review the company information and transactions before processing and becoming involved in the forex markets.
Remember to only trade with money that you can afford to lose. Too many people have ruined themselves by getting in too deep over their heads. If your budget allows for it, trading the Forex market is one of the more lucrative and exciting markets around.
Remember to come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to living the Champagne life on a Beer budget.
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Different currency rates happen and change every day. What the value of the dollar may be one day could be higher or lower the next. The trading on the forex market is one that you have to watch closely or if you are investing huge amounts of money, you could lose large amounts of money. The main trading areas for forex, happens in Tokyo, in London and in New York, but there are also many other locations around the world where forex trading does take place.
The most heavily traded currencies are those that include (in no particular order) the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the British pound sterling, the Japanese yen, the Eurozone eruo, and the United States dollar. You can trade any one currency against another and you can trade from that currency to another currency to build up additional money and interest daily.
The areas where forex trading is taking place will open and close, and the next will open and close. This is seen also in the stock exchanges from around the world, as different time zones are processing order and trading during different time frames. The results of any forex trading in one country could have results and differences in what happens in additional forex markets as the countries take turns opening and closing with the time zones. Exchange rates are going to vary from forex trade to forex trade, and if you are a broker, or if you are learning about the forex markets you want to know what the rates are on a given day before making any trades.
The stock market Is generally based on products, prices, and other factors within businesses that will change the price of stocks. If someone knows what is going to happened before the general public, it is often known as inside trading, using business secrets to buy stocks and make money – which by the way is illegal. There is very little, if any at all inside information in the forex trading markets. The monetary trades, buys and sells are all a part of the forex market but very little is based on business secrets, but more on the value of the economy, the currency and such of a country at that time.
Every currency that is traded on the forex market does have a three letter code associated with that currency so there is no misunderstanding about which currency or which country one is investing with at the time. The eruo is the EUR and the US dollar is known as the USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Japanese yen is known as the JPY. If you are interested in contacting a broker and becoming involved in the forex markets you can find many online where you can review the company information and transactions before processing and becoming involved in the forex markets.
Remember to only trade with money that you can afford to lose. Too many people have ruined themselves by getting in too deep over their heads. If your budget allows for it, trading the Forex market is one of the more lucrative and exciting markets around.
Remember to come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to living the Champagne life on a Beer budget.
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