Tuesday, June 24, 2008


You just called the TV repair shop and the voice on the other end of the line tells you "this is Don Smith". About 5 minutes later you tell your wife that "this guy" will be out to fix the TV in the morning. You can't think of his name although you know he mentioned it on the phone.

This happens all the time to just about any of us unless we have learned to concentrate and implant the name in our memory right at the time we hear it. To do this you first must make a habit of repeating the name back to the person. This action will remind you to store the name in your "Memory banks" each time you hear someone's name, and, within a matter of a short time the "repeating" process can be discontinued.

When you meet someone in person use the same procedure, and in addition, visualize something different, unusual from the ordinary, or "ridiculous" about their appearance, position, or actions that "ties in" with their name. You may have to put the descriptive information on one side of a card or piece of paper and the name on the other side for a while until it is embedded in your memory permanently. Look at it repeatedly, see the "picture" in your mind's eye as you look at the name, or when you see the name visualize the "picture" you have assigned to the name.

Getting this system to work will require certain changes in your thinking and it may take several days or several weeks to become proficient. After all, you have developed a "bad Habit" over a period of many years and it is difficult to turn it around overnight.

This method also works with anything else work remembering, not just names. When you have occasion to remember something, jot it down and incorporate it into your list . . . No complicated formula . . . Just a system that works with a little concentration.


As mentioned above a person may train their memory by associating names with specific illustrations. This works just as well with written information.

There are several key words or a key thought in each paragraph of printed matter that can be associated with an illogical or ridiculous illustration. It is much easier to remember and recall ridiculous associations than it is to recall normal and uneventful relationships.

As you proceed through any text choose one or several Key words or key thoughts from each subject and relate the same to a ridiculous cartoon or illustration. Actually "see" it in your minds eye as it relates to the key word or key thought.

When you have occasion to remember a particular matter, the "picture" should automatically appear to you and the entire thought should be recalled. Be sure to SEE the ridiculous picture associated with the printed matter you wish to recall.

As you proceed through a book, practice seeing a picture and relate it to the key words or the main thought of the written material. This method of learning should improve your ability to retain what you read. With sufficient "practice" using this method, many individuals will be able to develop a "photo-Type" memory.

The Key to this memory system is to "see" the "picture" in your "mind's eye". After you have practiced and mastered the system and are able to get instant flashback recall you should be able to read most any text material and visualize ridiculous pictures to associate with the thoughts expressed in the printed

We suggest you prove this system to yourself. As you read the first several pages of information, "see" a picture related to the words or thought. It may be rather difficult to "see" at first but by constant effort and concentration amazing progress can be made. When you have seen the picture, just go on
reading the following subject matter and repeat the process. Don't be concerned that you will forget the prior subjects! They should remain imprinted on your mind and recalled later, instantaneously and clearly.

After you have read several pages, recall the first few "mind-pictures". If you originally "saw" the picture as related to the key thought of the printed material, you should remember the basic information.

Try it! It's interesting! After you have mastered this learning system, it should be easy to file various programs away in your memory and recall them as needed to progress in your search for success.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. A good memory is a must these days with the amount of information we get inundated with daily, so practice these tips and build your memory.



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Michael J Rener has worked in Marketing, Sales and the Computer Industry for over 20 years. He is the author of the ebook "Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer" which is available (along with other quality ebooks) through his website http://www.renspubhouse.com

Monday, June 16, 2008


We hear and see billions of commercials, emails and banner ads about credit and credit cards. But what do you really need to know about credit cards and credit to survive? How do you go about building up your credit and how can you get back after a devastating credit problem? This article covers some of the basics, but you should study each technique more in depth.

If you have any charge accounts now, or have ever borrowed from the bank to buy a car, or if you are paying on a mortgage, there is credit information on you. Up until a few years ago, you could only guess at what your credit rating was, because the credit bureaus who keep track of borrowers wouldn't tell the borrowers anything! But that's been changed through several laws, and now the bureaus have to send you your credit file when you request it. If you've been denied credit on the basis of their record, they will send you a copy of that record without charge, if you request it within 30 days of the credit denial. If you haven't been denied credit but just want to know what your file says, you must pay a small fee to find out.

It is well worth your trouble to obtain your report. You may well find (because thousands do) that there is a piece of misinformation that is injuring you without your knowing it, which you can straighten out by submitting copies of documentary proof (never mail originals of anything important - it may get lost in the mail) of bills paid, payments made, etc.

If, for one reason or another, you are not listed, or they have insufficient information on you to "rate" your suitability for credit, you must take steps to correct this.

If you have no record because you hold no cards and have no charge accounts, or because you have just come in from out-of-town, then you'd better start assembling one. It may sound a little ridiculous, but nobody will lend money to someone's who's always paid cash! You have to have borrowed money or run up charges and paid them back to be able to borrow larger sums as time goes along.

Start with the local merchants in your immediate area, the ones that already know you. Even if you don't need it right now, ask them if you can set up a charge account with them. In most cases they'll be glad to oblige you, they already know you're local, and that you patronize them regularly. when you get the credit, charge a few items each week, and pay your account promptly when presented. In this way, you'll build up a good credit record with these merchants in a short time.

Go to the bank where you keep your checking account, and ask to borrow a nominal sum (say $500), which they are unlikely to refuse you. Do this even if you don't need the money, because you do need the repayment record on their books. Repay the loan on a regular basis when due. Do not accelerate, and pay it all back the next month. Strangely enough the banks do not like that, because to them that indicates a "feast or famine" situation, rather than a steady payer. The interest cost on this loan, even if you have no need for the money, will be well worth paying to build up your credit record. Besides, you can minimize this interest cost by depositing the money you have borrowed (assuming you do not immediately need it), in a savings account, and collecting the interest, which will defray a good part of the cost of the interest you are paying.

Once these charge accounts and the loan have been operating for a while, proceed to stage two, and ask a large local department store for a charge account. Most likely they will be happy to give you their charge card. Build up your rating with them by occasional purchases and prompt payment, and then you proceed to stage three, and apply for the less selective national credit cards, Master Charge and Visa, which you should a this point be able to get without too much difficulty.

Once you have national bank credit, it's easy to get credit from all the oil companies, which makes traveling around a cash-free pleasure. Some gas stations take national cards like Master Charge, but most only take their own credit cards, so you should not overlook these, just because you already have others.

Once you have all the other cards, a paid-up loan or two, and a fine record of promptly paying your bills, you may be able to get the most selective cards of all, the "travel and entertainment" cards. These are American Express, Diners' Club and Carte Blanche. These cards operate on a different system
than ordinary retail store cards, or the national bank cards, both of which are revolving credit plans on which you pay a small amount each month, until your balance is all paid up. The store or bank hopes you take a long time to pay, because they make their money on the 1 1/2% monthly (which is 18% yearly!) finance and, or interest charges.

The T&E cards, however, expect you to pay your bills at the end of the month! Let your account get 60 days or more delinquent, and they'll cancel you out as fast as a flash of lightning. Although these cards do not charge interest, they do charge you a fee for membership.

So how do you get these marvelous bits of plastic that open up the doors of exotic nightspots in Tangiers as easily as your nearby Howard Johnson's? Your good credit record, that you have already established, will be the most help. Since the T&E people want you to pay your bills promptly each month, they want to know that you have a steady record of paying bills promptly to other people.

So first American Express, or Carte Blanche, or Diners' Club, looks at your credit record. Then at your salary or other income. Most of them have cut-off points below which they will not grant their cards. But even if you earn more than their minimum requirements, they don't automatically okay you for their credit. They look at your stability! How do they measure stability? How long have you worked on your present job? If you don't have a minimum of two years of steady work in one place, they may not consider you at all. How long have you lived at your present address? At your previous address? And do you rent an apartment which means you could move tomorrow, or do you own your own house, which means you will probably still be in the same place next year. How stable is your livelihood?
Do people in your field of work get laid off frequently?

Once you have all the major national credit cards in your wallet, you can live like the millionaires do, even though you haven't yet become one. You can go into a fancy store, or even call them on the telephone, and order those wonderful luxuries which make life so much more exciting, like furs and diamonds, for your loved one, or new furniture or appliances for your living room, bedroom or kitchen. All of this can come true in the wonderful world of credit. Now in today's world you can charge almost anything on a credit card, from admission to a nudist camp in France, to medical care at a hospital in Atlanta, university courses in New York City, funerals in Los Angeles, and even the services of legal prostitutes in Las Vegas.

But what do you do if you haven't been able to pay your bills promptly, or you've run up more than you can handle, or you don't have a very stable work history? Do you have to give up the dreams of credit-card living? Not entirely!

Once you find out which credit conditions in your background are the most troublesome (from the credit report you have already sent for), you then start to create new conditions that you can then base your records on. If you were out of work, perhaps you can get a reference from someone you know who owns a business and is willing to say that you worked for him, if the credit card company checks your references. If your bills are too high, and you've missed a few payments, perhaps you should see
one of the free consumer-counseling services that are springing up in the larger cities which will enable you to consolidate your debts into a manageable amount. Remember that credit card companies don't care very much about the amount you owe, but they care a lot about whether you pay steadily, every single month, even if the amount each month is small, and the entire debt will take years to pay off!

Don't overlook ways to establish good credit without buying anything! For example, you have telephone service in your own name, you have a record of paying bills to them which is then part of your credit record. The same for your gas and electric supplies from you local public utilities. These services, when they are in your name, will show prospective merchants that you do have a record of paying bills, even if you haven't yet established retail store or bank credit.

The world of credit has one more trick you should know about, this one that actually saves you money right on the spot. All you have to do is carry your credit cards with you when you go out shopping, even if you intend to pay by cash. Then you have to keep an eye open for the smaller, personal service-type shops, where the boss himself, or one of the partners, is always present (you'll see why in a minute). As you walk in, check out the decals on the door to see which credit cards they accept. Then select your purchase in the way you normally would - taking your usual care to be sure you're getting the right item at the right price. When the deal's all set, produce your credit card (one of those you know he takes), and say "I'd like to charge it, please!" At this, the merchant's face will probably drop
about six feet, but he'll take your card and walk over to the imprinting machine (or maybe to the telephone to check your credit status). He hasn't got much choice, he has to take your card if he uses their decal in the window. But the point is, he hates to, because he has to pay the credit card company a percentage of the sale, usually somewhere between 6% and 10%.

Now, while he's vulnerable, is the time to hit him with a casually dropped remark like "say, how about knocking 5% off the price, and I'll pay cash instead?" The chances are he'll accept your offer, because it saves him the other part of the credit card company percentage, and because it saves him bookkeeping chores, and waiting from 3 to 7 days for his money to be credited to him by the credit card company.

The reason why this gimmick doesn't work in big stores is that the clerk doesn't give a damn what it costs the boss, and has no authority to take an additional percentage off the price, so he'll just go ahead and write up your credit card invoice.


Need to learn how to get and stay out of debt and live debt free?
Tips and techniques outlined in our ebook “Debt Free Living”.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008



The Styles and Methods of Power

Power is the ability to get things done - your way. Sometimes it's a direct order that you give, sometimes a suggestion you make, or a request or the asking of a favor; but the result (if
you have power) is always that the other person acts and you derive a benefit from the other person's actions.

One can have power in many different ways. You have it over your employees because you pay their salaries. If you are an expert in a special field, it's because you know the best way to handle matters. In a legal dispute it's because you have the law on your side. If you have credit cards, it can be part of
your lifestyle to go into a store, hotel, or restaurant, in any city, and order whatever you wish. In politics it's because folks will give you their votes, hoping that you'll work and succeed in getting the government to serve them in their area. And there's the power that derives from being talented, charming and capable; of being up-to-the minute and knowledgeable, so people know if they let you handle things for them or listen to your advice, they'll come out ahead.

One more aspect of power. This concerns competition. If all the world were fair and equal, one would have no need for the upper hand, for the advantage, for power. But of course the world isn't. Which often means that in a competitive situation you cannot merely settle for an equal chance. You must keep your eyes and ears, and indeed all you faculties, open for any clue or other tips that will move the balance in your favor. Whenever possible, make sure you get more than an equal chance.

You Have to Look the Part

People are impressed by how a man looks. They are often not aware of exactly why they treat one man like a VIP and another gets the bum's rush. Their reactions may be subliminal, below their conscious awareness. But take it from me, if you're well dressed, neatly groomed, hair trimmed, etc., and are driving a snazzy car, you'll be well received; while a guy who's wearing sloppy clothes, unshaven and unclean, and who's driving an old heap, will hardly get any attention at all. Look as good as you can; and back it up in other ways.

Add the other elements of the power image too. Clothing - it's worth investing some money to be well dressed. Buy suits on time payments if you can (a credit card is very useful for this). That way the clothes are helping to get power, and therefore money, for you while you are paying for them. Don't forget about the car you drive around in; if the one you have is not impressive then rent one that is. Rental cars don't cost that much and driving a good one pays dividends in the power sphere. Try to join clubs and organization (business, social, political) that have important and influential members. If at first you can't become a member, then maneuver a member into taking you as his guest.

Money and power beget money and power, the more they thing you have, the more you'll get.

We must repeat that, for most people, those who belong to the power elite are those that appear to belong to it. Unless recognized personally, a millionaire will be turned away from a class restaurant if he's not well-dressed.

You Have to Consciously Act the Part of One Who is Used to Being in Command

There's another extremely important factor in appearing to already have money and power beyond what I mentioned above and that is your own manner of doing things. You must move, speak and act power. Have you ever met the grandson of a man who amassed a fortune and wondered how a grandfather who did so much could have a grandson who seems like such a weakling? It's true; that grandson could never get rich on his own; if he hadn't inherited his family's money, he'd be poor because he's weak and incompetent. And it shows. The men who, like yourself, are capable of making money now, are men who can act in a strong style that almost seems to draw money like a magnet. Language, and the way you speak , can say as much as the ideas in your words. Equally important however, is your body
language, that is, the way you stand, walk, move and sit, and the gestures you make.

Be the Man Who's in Demand

Power isn't just you being able to call someone and tell him what to do; it's also other men calling you and asking for your business or wanting to associate with you. If you're a man who seems to possess a wide knowledge of the world, an awareness of trend, if you're the early-bird who catches sight of opportunities first, if you're the man who's capable of handling many different kinds of situations, then people will seek you out. They'll invite you to vacation at their country homes, to meet their influential associates, to join their social clubs and their business syndicates. And when they do, all of these will enhance your image of power, and widen your power base so you can zoom in even more.

When the Fight for Power Gets Harder

Everything we've said so far will be useful in just about every situation; but when the struggle for power gets more intense, some other methods are needed. When the person(s) you're talking to has been open-minded and your powers of persuasion have been working from the moment you first started talking, the usual techniques can be used. But what if you're dealing with someone whose mind is closed to your ideas and influence from the start, or who feels he is in direct competition with you?
Then things must be handled somewhat differently.

Most important, be in control of the situation at all times. If you feel your control is slipping, do something to regain it, You could do something vividly dramatic and totally bewildering
to the other person, like suddenly shouting or pounding on your desk. Or you could press a secret buzzer to have someone rush in and interrupt when the other side is coming on too strong.

Never ever get into a power struggle when you're at any kind of a disadvantage; if you're tired or if the discussion turns to a subject in which the other guy is an expert. Always focus your own mental energy and project your thoughts into his mind. Look him in the eyes, try to gain his confidence. Always have a picture in your mind of a victory over this person bigger than the victory you need to achieve your aims. And whatever you do, don't lose; that is, if you realize that you can't beat him, then leave. It's better not to have victory than to have a defeat.

Say Whatever Does the Trick

Making a lot of money is largely a process of convincing people, of selling yourself, your service, your product. And the trick is to tell them what they want to hear. The problem is to find out what they want to hear. So you'll start out by giving them basic information about what you're selling. You then continue with your sales approach, always watching their reactions carefully. When you see their eyes light up and they then lean forward with interest, then continue on the topic that aroused that interest, no matter how odd it may seem to you. And do the opposite when you reach any of the usual parts of your presentation, if the prospect shows less than the normal amount of interest; that is, shorten that part and go on tho the next.

From Start to Finish

You start out by telling them what the product or service is or does. The kinds of benefits people get from using it and some examples of ways, both usual and unusual, that other folks have used it. It often helps to mention that "Mr. Anderson, you know, the big shot, just bought two of them for his own use", or that "the XYZ Corporation recently bought seven of them for their executives". Or if you're selling a more heavy duty item, that "Smith's Construction Company has been using them for years". If it's almost a custom made item, tell them they're one of the select few who will even get a chance to buy it. If you have an opportunity to talk to his wife or a friend of his, play along with that other person and have them unknowingly hinting to the customer that "it certainly sounds like a good deal". If his kids are with him, get them to needle him into buying it. Use any method that works.

Suppose the guy seems convinced but he can't seem to make up his mind to actually hand over the money or sign the contract to make the purchase. Sometimes it helps to imply that he really can't afford it. He might buy it just to show you he isn't poor or a cheapskate. Another great strategy that sometimes works in desperation to close a sale is to make him feel guilty if he doesn't buy. Imply that he deliberately wasted your time and energy, the he's rotten and thoughtless, that he just wanted to
make a phony impression on his wife or girl friend or anyone who is there with him. You might want to say all this very loudly, almost yelling, so that a crowd gathers and you shame him into buying. Or you can try another method to clinch the sale, offer him a "special bonus". Say you'll give him a longer time to pay, or a contract for "free" servicing or that you'll add on a bonus of another item "free". Actually he may have been entitled to this "extra" all along, but if you haven't mentioned it, then now's the time. Try to keep one or two tings in reserve as your last pieces of ammunition.

To Sum It Up

Prepare in advance so you know the other man's point of view; if you're able to benefit him, he'll practically jump at the chance to let you make money off him. Tell him what he wants to hear. And above all, keep eyes and ears open for any information, clues or tip-offs, favorable or unfavorable, that
will give you the powers to persuade him.

In the power battle called life, victory will go to those who find the right weapons and use them. So keep your weapons handy; get a head start and don't lose it. Be alert for clues you can use to your advantage. Present yourself with confidence; broadcast your will power, speak and move with
assurance, and, to make sure they get the message, have the clothes, car, office and the other outer appearances of power and money. People tend to believe what they see, and if you look like you've got it made, then you will have it made.


Need to learn how to get and stay out of debt and live debt free?
Tips and techniques outlined in our ebook “Debt Free Living”.

For more information:
